First Baptist Church Prince George
Sunday Worship & Kids Program 10am
483 Gillett St, Prince George, BC.
Here at FBC our goal is, “Celebrating our life in Christ, and connecting people with God”. We are thankful for the many faithful givers who share this vision of community and outreach and who support the ongoing work here. With the exception of a few facility rentals, our entire operating budget is funded by people who give to FBC during the year. We invite you to be one of them!
Through E-Transfer bookkeeperfbc@gmail.com
Through cheque or cash, in person, by mail, or dropped off at the church.
Through pre-authorized deductions from a bank account.
If you are a regular attendee and would like numbered envelopes, please let the office know.
The Advantages of Pre-authorized Contributions
Thank you for being part of what God is doing at FBC. We encourage our members to use the pre-authorized contribution method for their regular giving as it reduces the work of our volunteer counting teams, bank fees, and handling and processing fees. Pre-authorized contributions also improves our record-keeping efficiency and enhances the privacy of your donations.
You can set up pre-authorized giving in two ways:
our internal system (void cheque and a signed form through the office)
through your online banking as a scheduled e-transfer.
Donor Restricted Gift Policy
Spending of funds is confined to First Baptist Church Prince George approved programs and Projects. Each contribution directed toward and approved program or project will be used as restricted with the understanding that when need for a such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by First Baptist Church Prince George, the remaining restricted funds will be used where most needed.
Ministries We Support
As a church, we support the following ministries in our local community:
Youth For Christ
Ness Lake Bible Camp
St. Vincent de Paul
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship
A New Oasis